Jasmine attended Pahokee High School. She had a weighted GPA of 4.96 and ranked #1 among 112 seniors. She was active as Student Body President for the Student Government Association, served as President of the Debate Club, and was in the National Honor Society for three years. Jasmine also participated with the Women of Tomorrow, Spanish Honor Society, Interact Club, and Dreamcatcher Club, played soccer and softball, and excelled in American Sign Language. She loves volunteering at her church and the annual I Love Pahokee Day festival. In addition, she works at the Emory Department of Accessibility Services. After achieving a bachelor of business administration degree in Accounting, with a secondary area depth in International Business at Emory University in Atlanta, Jasmine will eventually attend law school to become an attorney specializing in cases dealing with differently-abled individuals.

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The Leaders for Life Fellowship decision is made by a selection committee based on scholarship criteria and student qualifications, without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or any other protected characteristics.