Jovani Hernandez is from Highlands County and graduated with a 4.96 GPA, ranked 2nd in his graduating class. He was dually enrolled in college while completing his high school diploma. Jovani was the president of NHS, varsity soccer co-captain, and a member of Key Club. He also worked as a part-time math tutor. Jovani attended the University of Florida and majored in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Jovani interned with Delta Air Lines in Atlanta, Georgia, for three semesters within their Technical Operations division, working on helping improve the reliability of the fleet. He was also very involved with the UF solar vehicle racing team, Solar Gators. He graduated from UF in May 2020 with a dual Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Jovani now works as a Senior Propulsion engineer at Delta Air Lines in Atlanta, Georgia.

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The Leaders for Life Fellowship decision is made by a selection committee based on scholarship criteria and student qualifications, without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or any other protected characteristics.