Shauna attended Hardee High School, where she held a 4.2 GPA and was ranked 13th in her class of 284 seniors. After graduating high school with an AA degree, she was busy with multiple clubs, a part-time job at an optometrist’s office, and softball. Shauna graduated from USF in August 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology and a minor in Infection Prevention. She received her certificate of Medical Laboratory Science from Tampa General Hospital in August of 2021 after completing her yearlong internship with the hospital. She passed her state board of certification and is now licensed as a Medical Laboratory Scientist (ASCP)CM. She is currently employed at Tampa General Hospital, working in their Esoteric department and studying to obtain her state license in the specialist field of molecular biology. She plans to pursue a graduate degree in either Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy or Cancer Chemical Biology.

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The Leaders for Life Fellowship decision is made by a selection committee based on scholarship criteria and student qualifications, without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or any other protected characteristics.