Sierra Pelham is a Take Stock in Children scholar from DeSoto County and attended DeSoto High School. Sierra had a 4.28 GPA and ranked 12th in her senior class of 237 students. She belongs to a variety of community service-based clubs at her school. These clubs include the Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Ensemble, Sub Debs, Robotics Club, Interact Club, Musical Theatre, and the Journalism Club. She was the Secretary of Mu Alpha Theta and Ensemble, the Publicist for the Robotics Club, and held the Lead Role in Musical Theatre. She worked as a Ghost Orchid Team Member and Hostess. In her spare time, she volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, her local Take Stock program, as an Academic Coach/Peer Counselor and at her public library. She attended the University of Central Florida’s College of Social Work and received her MSW, Master of Social Work degree in 2020.

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The Leaders for Life Fellowship decision is made by a selection committee based on scholarship criteria and student qualifications, without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or any other protected characteristics.